Team Worker

We have defined Teamwork in terms of the following four skills or team roles.  Click on each to view the ladders that describe progress in each skill, or for a less detailed approach view the key shown below.

Take Responsibility  – The role of the TEAM LEADER, this is a cognitive skill.

Manage the Team – The role of the TEAM MANAGER, this is a strategic skill.

Build Team Strengths – The role of the TEAM COACH, this is a social skill.

Evaluate the Team – The role of the TEAM EVALUATOR, this is an emotional skill.

Creating Opportunities to Practice these Skills

Use the following key to work out the level of challenge of any activity you are planning to do.  Simply answer yes or no to the first question.  If the answer is yes then progress to the next question.

Think of a time when your teaching group worked in teams.

Q – Were all the pupils working in teams for at least 5 minutes? (See Level 1 examples)

If No then stop here, your activity is level 0.  If YES then carry on to the next question

Q – Did everyone in the team have their own role (e.g. Leader, Coach, Manager and Evaluator?)  (See Level 2 examples)

If No then stop here, your activity is level 1.  If YES then carry on to the next question

Q – Was there at least an hour so teams could decide on roles, then work on the task then meet to discuss how it went at the end?

If No then stop here, your activity is level 2.  If YES then carry on to the next question

Q – Did pupils work as a team providing a service to others on most days for at least two weeks AND did they do this every time without needing reminding?

If No then stop here, your activity is level 3.  If YES then carry on to the next question

Q – Did each team have the opportunity to act as a completely self-organised mini-company that provided a service to other students for at least 6 weeks?

If No then stop here, your activity is level 4.  If YES then carry on to the next question

Q – Was this an opportunity for previously successful teams to bid for a budget and then manage it successfully to provide a service to other students like an independent company might?

If No then stop here, your activity is level 5.  If YES then carry on to the next question

Q – Is this an example in which a team of pupils is in charge of lots of smaller teams who are all providing services to others (level 5 or 6 type teams)?  AND is EVERY member of the team responsible for guiding other teams?

If No then stop here, your activity is level 6.  If YES then carry on to the next question

Q – Is this an example of when a self managing team of pupils has led a major change in the institution?  A major change would involve them consulting staff, students and others, managing teams and getting everyone to change the way they worked in some way.

If No then stop here, your activity is level 7.  If YES then carry on to the next question

Q – Did most pupils achieve a level 9 in their peer assessment or peer review using the criteria in the ladders?

If No then stop here, your activity is level 8.  If YES then your activity is a level 9

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